Super cheap and easy apple crumble recipe

A super simple student dessert recipe: Make this easy apple crumble with just four ingredients.

This homemade apple crumble recipe is great for students and comes out at just 20 PENCE a serving with the below ingredients making for a good four servings.

Make up some instant custard or add double cream to serve if you like!


To make 1 serving

  • Flour 200 g
  • Butter 125 g
  • Sugar 60 g
  • Apples 3 Bramley cooking apples

How to make super easy apple crumble:

  1. Weigh out and add the flour, butter and sugar into a large mixing bowl.
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  3. Using your finger tips, get your hands in mix the ingredients until you get small breadcrumbs.
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  5. Peel, core and roughly dice the apple and add the chunks to the bottom of a baking dish.
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  7. Add on the crumble mixture on top.
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  9. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes until the topping is golden and lightly browned.
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