Baked bean cheese toastie

baked bean toastie recipe - 1

A new twist on the student classic of beans on toast: A super easy baked bean cheese toastie.


To make 1 serving

  • Bread 2 slices
  • Baked beans
  • Grated cheese
  • Butter 2 tspsOptional

How to make baked bean toastie:

  1. On a slice of bread, add on some grated cheese.
  2. Fork on (to avoid putting on lots of sauce) some baked beans. No need to heat them up!
  3. Top with another slice of bread to make a sandwich
  4. student recipes food 2

  5. Put the sandwich on a tray to grill on both sides until golden.
  6. Alternatively, pan fry in butter on each side for a few minutes.

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