ULTIMATE yoghurt and fruit breakfast

Perhaps the best breakfast ever: Make the night before and you’ll WANT to wake up the next morning.

You can do all sorts with this idea, try and match the fruit you use throughout, we used Strawberry.


To make 1 serving

  • Fruit CompoteFind it with the yoghurts in shops
  • Natural yoghurt
  • Fruit yoghurt
  • Granola or muesli
  • Fruit
  • Chocolate chips or grated chocolate

How to make the ULTIMATE yoghurt and fruit breakfast

  1. Start at the bottom with a layer of fruit compote in a glass.
  2. Add on a layer of plain natural yoghurt.
  3. Top with some granola or muesli
  4. Add another layer of yoghurt, try and match it with the same flavour as fruit compote you used.
  5. Top with fresh fruit (again, try and match or compliment the compote) and sprinkle with chocolate drops or grated chocolate.

student food 19