Eat for just £10 a week! The food and recipes you need
You can eat on a super basic budget if you plan well – here’s how with all the ingredients and recipes you need to live off just £10 a week.
We’ve teamed up with the folks at the Student Hacks website to bring you a seven day, budget busting meal plan that comes in at less than a tenner.
It may be something to turn to if your budget ends up going out the window and money gets tight.
The ingredients
One tin of baked beans – 24p
Four tins of chopped tomatoes – £1.24
One tin of kidney beans – 23p
One tin of garden peas – 21p
One tin cream of chicken – 39p
Loaf of bread – 36p
Pasta – 29p
15 eggs – £1.00
500g Mince – £1.79
Onions (1kg, packed) – 55p
Carrots (500g, packed) – 25p
Peppers (three, packed) – 95p
Banana (one, loose) – 12p
Mushrooms (button, packed) – 79p
Cheese – £1.55
Total = £9.96
(Prices from Aldi)
What’s not included
There are some ingredients we’ve not included in the list such as cupboard essentials, things like oil, spices, seasoning, butter, sauces and stock. We’ve done this simply because the quantities needed for one week cannot be brought individually (e.g. a sprinkle of chilli powder or a teaspoon of oil).
The £10 a week budget recipes
You’ll notice there’s quite a lot more recipes here then needed based on three meals a day proving just how much you can get from such a relatively little food shop.
For breakfast we’ve got ten possible things to try from our ingredients. You may wish to make them all or use the ingredients from a meal you don’t cook in another recipe for a bigger serving.
Plain toast and butter (or other spread available)
Eggy bread / French toast or sweet cinnamon toast
Scrambled egg on toast
Baked beans on toast
Poached or fried egg on toast
Banana pancakes or banana bread
Lunch & Dinner
Lunch and Dinner again has plenty of recipes to pick from. Some provide two servings, so you can eat it for dinner then lunch or even breakfast the next day.
Veggie omelette – Enough ingredients to make two of these
Baked beans on toast – here’s how to make beans on toast more interesting.
Chilli Con Carne – 2 servings
Veggie Pasta sauce – 2 servings
Spaghetti bolognaise – 2 servings
Pasta with cheese– 2 servings
Cream of chicken pasta bake – 2 servings
Mince curry – 2 servings
Mince & veg – 2 servings
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